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فارسی عربي


Austria awards Iran doc

Iranian documentary ‘20th Circuit Suspects’ has won an award at the Ethnocineca - International Documentary Film Fetival Vienna.

Directed by Hessam Eslami, the film grabbed the best film award at the Austrian festival.

‘20th Circuit Suspects’ tells the story of a developing friendship between a car burglar and his victim.

The director follows the gang over the next six years, detailing their wild criminal romp through the streets of Tehran, breaking into cars, committing robberies and fighting in the streets.

The film also examines the gang’s cat-and-mouse games with police, as the adolescents realize their behavior may not be working for them any longer.

Ethnocineca is organized as an association and sees itself as a platform embedded into a network of cultural, scientific and social institutions and initiatives.

A mutual passion for ethnographic and documentary film is the drive and reason why Ethnocineca exists.

The event was held on May 4-10, 2018.

